What Colours Do Diamonds Come In? 5 Best Diamond Colours in Jewellery

What colours do diamonds come in jewellery? Diamonds are mined naturally in all the colours of the rainbow. But the 5 diamond colours you’re most likely to find in jewellery are yellow, black, pink, champagne, and the traditional white diamond. In this article, we explain their origin, properties and pricing so that you can make a considered purchase.

1. White (transparent) diamonds

White is the most popular diamond ‘colour’. It’s what most of us think of when we hear the word diamond.

These beautiful transparent gems are formed from carbon. Carbon is, of course, a substance we usually associate with black colour! Yet in crystal form, carbon’s structure actually allows light to pass through, making it appear clear.

White diamonds come in various sizes and qualities. This means that their prices can range from affordable to expensiveread more about white diamond quality here to understand their pricing and how to make the best buy.

View white diamond jewellery from £55

2. Yellow Diamonds

The most commonly found type of coloured diamond is the yellow diamond. They get their hue from nitrogen impurities.

Yellow diamonds are much more rare and, therefore, more expensive than white diamonds.

Natural yellow diamond shade can vary from light yellow to deep gold-yellow.

View yellow diamond jewellery from £315

3. Black Diamonds

Black diamonds have become very popular over the last two decades. This is mainly thanks to celebrity engagement rings, notably the ones worn by Carmen Electra and the Sex and the City TV character, Carrie.

Black diamonds get their unique hue from traces of graphite, pyrite or hematite.

They are beautiful to look at, with a distinctive opaque glimmer. They’re also affordable compared to other coloured diamonds.

View black diamond jewellery from £209

4. Pink Diamonds

The pink diamond is the most sought after coloured diamond.

Gem experts don’t know what causes their pink hue. Their best guess is that it’s due to the immense pressure that was present during their formation under the Earth’s crust, millions of years ago.

Pink diamonds are expensive. Firstly, because they’re rare – less than 0.01% of diamonds mined are pink. Secondly, the commercial demand for them is very high.

View pink diamond jewellery from £1,215

5. Champagne Diamonds

Brown diamonds, also referred to as champagne diamonds, chocolate diamonds or cognac diamonds, are popular due to their sophisticated look.

Their brown hue is most often due to a specific type of arrangement of molecules in the diamond crystal.

Natural brown diamonds are affordable because they’re readily available.

View champagne diamond jewellery from £259

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The post What Colours Do Diamonds Come In? 5 Best Diamond Colours in Jewellery appeared first on The Diamond Store Magazine.