Diamond Jackpot: Lucara Finds 320-Carat Gem at Karowe Mine

Lucara has recently announced the recovery of a 320-carat diamond from its Karowe mine in Botswana. The haul also included a 111-carat stone and two more stones exceeding 50 carats each, IDEX Online reports.


Since commercial production started at Karowe in 2012, the Canadian mining company has unearthed 330 diamonds weighing more than 100 carats each. The 320-carat gem is described as “a stunning, gem-quality, top light brown diamond,” while the other three diamonds retrieved are identified as Type IIa white stones.


William Lamb, Lucara’s president and CEO, said: “We are thrilled with the consistent success we continue to achieve in uncovering large, high-value diamonds, reaffirming Lucara’s position as a leading producer of large high-quality gem diamonds.”


In other big gem news, Gem Diamonds has announced the recovery of its third +100-ct stone of 2024 from its Letseng mine in Lesotho – a high-quality 113-carat Type IIa diamond. In January, Gem recovered a 129-carat gem and a 295-carat gem from the same mine. Throughout the entire year of 2023, the miner retrieved only five diamonds weighing more than 100 carats each.


GEM 113-carat white diamond

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