Manufacturers and retailers of platinum jewellery have begun working towards ensuring the recovery of the sector, as Covid-19 continues to heavily impact on the global economy, the Platinum Guild International’s (PGI’s) latest ‘Platinum Jewellery Business Review (PJBR)’ states. Published on June 12, the review notes that the Covid-19 crisis has
The Top 40 mining companies are so far weathering the COVID-19 storm mostly unscathed, and certainly better than many other sectors. The post Resilience in face of COVID-19 but adaption to wider risks key appeared first on
An estimated 240 000 miners are back at work on 385 large and small mines across South Africa, Minerals Council South Africa public affairs and transformation senior executive Tebello Chabana said on Thursday. Each and every one of these miners was screened on their return to work and prior to going
The International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) on Thursday released the 2019 safety data of its company members, who reported 287 occupational fatalities, a marked increase from the 50 fatalities recorded in 2018 and 51 fatalities recorded in 2017. ICMM said in a media release to Mining Weekly that its
The Intergovernmental Forum on Mining Minerals Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF) on Wednesday put forward sweeping mining employment reforms in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, which has, it states, exposed weak points in the global labour market. IGF emerged from the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, where
Dear Colleagues and Friends, These are momentous times and change is taking place all around us. The turbulent events of the past week across the United States, Europe and elsewhere are signaling a need for change. When sincere outbursts against police brutality and racism morphed into destruction and